Wrong Myths About Acne

In the post yesterday about the myths of acne, I only give 3 kinds of myths about acne, you can read more here.

Whose name is indeed a myth as if giving the truth but not necessarily proved, that obviously we have to know more and understand more about these acne problems.

Now let us connect the article that was interrupted yesterday, the myth that we often hear is:

4. Frequently wash your face can eliminate acne.
Do not wash your face too often, let alone use a scrub soap, because the skin's natural moisture will be lost resulting in the skin becomes dry. Whereas natural moisture to the skin is very helpful to protect the health of facial skin loh.

5. Do not eat peanuts, later breakouts!
This myth often we hear, but not a lot of eating beans from acne that appears, instead of fatty acids contained in the beans are very good for your heart. However, foods that contain carbohydrates and sugar levels are higher the that should be reduced.

6. Not married or not married too long to make the breakouts.
It's also a myth that is very wrong, if the child today says "kagak connect, kaleee". Pernyaatan is not connected to the emergence of medical acne. If it is connected may nyambungnya on keaadan psychic or mental individual. If you have not got a partner, will indirectly affect the emotional soul, which may lead to stress. State of stress is what triggers the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, which is an aggravating factor of acne.

7. Oily hair that usually causes pimples.
Oily hair may more accurately be dandruff, because the dirt will stick to the hair.

8. Many use acne medication, acne'll get better soon.
We recommend that you use anti-acne medications (topical) according to the dosage that dinjurkan by your doctor, do not go overboard because it will make dry skin irritation or even will happen. When the anti-acne medications containing benzoyl peroxide concentration is usually about 2.5%, and when the product with salicylic acid content of approximately 0.5%.

9. In adolescence or "ABG" will grow pimples
It's true in adolescence acne usually will grow, because growth is triggered by hormones that are not stable, but acne is not just suffered at puberty, but acne can also appear in adults who aged, 30th, 40th or 60th.

10. Acne will increase its when we wear sunscreen
To more precisely perhaps you should choose suncreen good quality and fit with your skin. Because the chemicals contained in sunscreen is working to spread the sun's ultraviolet rays that cause skin reaction.

Hopefully with the above descriptions we can dismiss the false myths about acne, and hopefully we can further understand the meaning of these myths.

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