Sensitive Skin

Be careful with your skin is sensitive. Sensitive facial skin needs special attention and care measures are not arbitrary. Even for cosmetic use was somewhat difficult, even appears acne, especially if these cosmetic products do not match, what happened instead of itching in the face.
Also, avoid acne drug usage is also made from salicylic acid. Because when used on a sensitive face actually be less good effect, the face will feel dry and hot. It is antiseptic salicylic acid, works to peel the acne from the outside, so that our skin layers eroded, and this is what causes the burning sensation. But when used on normal skin types, there will be no heat effects.
We recommend that you consult with your doctor or skin specialist based kecantikaan medic, they would memeberikan a suitable drug with sensitive skin, and I suggest to you to treat the skin to prevent acne should take a vitamin that contains high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, plus minerals that can help speed up cell regeneration system. So it looks more fresh and healthy.

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