Pathophysiology of Acne

Acne is a chronic inflammation of the skin around the area pilosebasea or can be referred to as the inflammatory process. Each person must have had acne, and had also experienced difficult times during breakouts. That period was when teenagers, puberty. But acne can also appear by age 40's.

The cause of acne is very diverse, for example, can be caused because of: congenital or genetic factors, hormonal, race, environment, food, psychological or psychiatric one, cosmetics, bacteria, and other factors that could encourage keminculan acne.

In Pathophysiology, (Pathophysiology is the study of dysfunction in the sick organism include the origin of disease, beginning the journey and due to) the appearance of acne can be caused by several factors:

1. Increased production of oil / sebum of sebaceous glands removed because of the 

       influence of the hormone androgen.
2. Blockage of the pores result from the accumulation of dirt or buildup of skin

       cells that have died.
3. Activities of the bacteria P. acne,
4. Pilosebasea inflammatory processes in the region.
Hopefully useful.

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