
Acne back or called backne caused by the spread of bacteria, excess oil glands and accumulation of skin cells that have died. As the name suggests, these acne grow around the upper back. Because it was not affordable, then we often neglect and lack of care.

To reduce and prevent the spread of acne back, we can cope with maintaining cleanliness of body and bath, preferably using soap with oil-free type that contains betahydroxyl. Then use a clean towel for drying off after a shower, do the drying slowly, gently and patted on the back to avoid irritation and acne-causing bacteria are not spread to other body parts.

As for you who love to exercise, you should avoid clothing gymnastics / fitness is very tight and made of synthesis, because it will cause friction on the skin because of sweat that comes out is not absorbed well. You can use the sports clothes and a loose cotton.

Try not directly to the steam room after your workout, but the first wash the body with water, to clean from bacteria.

As for those of you who frequently use body lotion, you can use a body lotion that contains alpha hydroxy acid, because this material is effective to repel p acne bacteria. If the body lotions that contain ingredients commonly, will leave residue on the skin, resulting in fragile skin pores clogged.

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