
Blackheads are the scientific language of facial skin pores are clogged. The blockage is caused by dead skin cells that accumulate and excessive oil production. This situation occurs because no preservation of cleanliness on the skin, the hot air that cause perspiration or cosmetics. 

Blackheads are of two types, namely types of open comedones or called blackhead, clogged pores clearly visible black due to oxidation by air, on the outer skin.

The second type is also called blackheads whiteheads or closed comedones, clogged pores in the skin at the outermost tumbuhi so that only the visible white lumps are prominent. 

To prevent blackheads we must always maintain the cleanliness of the face, skin cells that die can be cleaned with a cleanser containing salicylic acid or soap-scrub. Kontrolah oil content, especially on oily skin types use a mask or oil absorbent paper.

For the open comedones can use pore strips plaster, many sold freely on the market with famous brands.

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